Congratulations to Crystal D’s Q3 WOW Champs!

Crystal D isn’t just a company that produces awards and gifts for others — we also practice recognition and appreciation with our own employees, who we call Memory Makers. We have a variety of programs in place to highlight our people for the ways they contribute, carry themselves and serve our customers.   

Every quarter we spotlight five Memory Makers nominated by their peers for living out our Core Values. Congratulations to the WOW Champs for the third quarter, as announced this week!  

Here’s who they are and some of the kudos they received.


Sarah Production

Core Value: Integrity — “I do what I say I will do.” 
“Sarah has a keen eye for the small things. In every mask she produces, she looks through all the etching lines and knows when something will work or not. She doesn’t cut corners and makes sure that each mask she makes will be etchable and immediately brings back make to art to update the art.”



Brian Customer Service

Core Value: Quality — “I have the unyielding persistence to improve.” 
“Brian is doing a tremendous job at leading his Customer Service team to success. Anytime we have issues that need solving that may be above an order entry or order manager skill level, Brian steps in and makes sure he sees the issue through to a positive outcome. He is a master in that department.”


Odessa — Production

Core Value: Commitment — “I am committed to the ongoing viability of the company.”  
“You can always count on Odessa to get a task done, no matter how crazy the days been or how many directions she’s been pulled in. You can also count on the fact that if something isn’t right, she’s going to make it known. If stuff isn’t flowing smoothly and she has an idea on what could fix it, even if it makes someone mad or steps on toes, she’s going to speak up so that the work can be done more efficiently. She’s reliable and she’s passionate about her job and will always do what needs to be done to provide the WOW Effect.”


Natalie — Marketing

Core Value: Respect — “I treat others the way I want to be treated.” 
“Day in and day out, Natalie lives Respect. She is an amazing listener and is often seen connecting with fellow Memory Makers. People are drawn to Natalie and her caring demeanor. I routinely check in with Natalie to get her take on how the team’s vibe and culture are doing. She listens intently and offers opportunities to increase engagement and ensure I’m delivering the right experience for our team.”


Adam — Subsurface

Core Value: Passion — “I have the burning desire to achieve, in all I do.” 
“Adam embodies the Passion value no matter what is thrown his way. His passion, great ideas, and dedication to having fun along the way have been so wonderful to see. I trust him completely to WOW everyone in the room. Adam, I am so very grateful for the huge role you play in making WOW Day come alive for the Memory Makers. You have such a talent and passion for people; you are a leader in word and deed. You bring the fun, the humor, and the heart to everything you do. I hope you know how much we appreciate you. Thank you for everything you do!”

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