Michael - Customer Service

My name is Michael, and I work in customer service.
I was born in Detroit, Michigan but moved to Minnesota when I was about 5. I have a special interest in physical fitness and hold a personal trainer certification from the International Sports and Science Association! I have worked in various environments such as retail, restaurants, production, and now I am going on 2 years of customer service experience!
Outside of work, I like to play volleyball, video games, and spend time with my friends and family. I would also love to start traveling more and would love to visit Japan one day!
Something Surprising:I was a Boy Scout of Troop 100, a primarily Hmong troop that started in the 80’s!
Favorite Award: My favorite award is the Sailboat Award. It's a very unique and great-looking piece. I would love to receive this award if I were a fisherman or someone with an interest in boats. This award will definitely turn heads and get compliments!