The Legacy Gallery
Part of the Crystal D Cares community outreach program, the Legacy Gallery was created to honor the legacy of our late founder, Chuck Dahlgren. It carries on his deep belief in the power of generosity and profound desire to share what we have with others.
When a purchase is made from our Legacy Gallery, we donate 20 percent of the total product sale to local, national and international charitable organizations to support the work they do serving children, seniors, veterans, community organizations, animals, the environment, and health and research causes.
The Legacy Gallery is a collection of 10 exclusive new award designs that exist for one purpose: to give back. As you celebrate the good, join us in doing something great!
2024 Recipients
Purchases from the Legacy Gallery during 2024 will benefit the following organizations, with each receiving 25 percent of the donations. Each nonprofit was selected based on the populations they serve, their financial health, and that 90 percent or more of the donations received go directly to the program. These organizations will receive equal contributions from Crystal D in early 2025.
Water for South Sudan— This charity works to address two areas of concern: human life and the environment. Nearly 60 percent of the population of South Sudan does not have access to clean, safe water — a basic human necessity — which is the key to good health and safety, while also affording communities with additional educational and economic opportunities. Just $2 is enough to provide clean water to one person for an entire year.
International Rett Syndrome Foundation — An organization dear to Chuck’s heart — as a close family friend is experiencing Rett syndrome — the Foundation is making strides with research breakthroughs. The FDA has approved trials for two therapy drugs to help extend the independent life of the patient so they can live at home longer. This gives hope to the family as well as others affected by Rett syndrome.
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption — By partnering with this nonprofit, we can help bring children to adoption through the foster care system more quickly. Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s, has been doing this successfully for years. The Foundation is dedicated to finding forever families for the more than 140,000 children waiting to be adopted from foster care in the United States and Canada.
4 Paws for Ability— This organization has provided more than 18,000 service dogs to children, adults and veterans with disabilities and special needs. The specially trained canines can help give the gift of independence and safety in any number of ways, including high and low blood sugar detection, mobility, seizure response, tracking and more. Donations are used to help provide food, veterinary care, and other essentials as Paws for Ability prepares and trains each service dog.
Sharing the passion
For the past 30 years, Crystal D awards and gifts have been turning emotions into memories™ for hundreds of thousands of recipients. Customers choosing awards from our Legacy Gallery love knowing that their orders are also helping organizations that do good in our communities and around the world. Now with your help, our awards will have twice the impact and create memories not only for the deserving recipients but also for someone in need.
If you'd like more information, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to answer any questions you may have. Let's team up and make a lasting difference!
Request More Information
In October 2022, our founder, Chuck Dahlgren, unexpectedly passed away. He always taught us that giving was a necessity in life. Our Memory Makers wanted to create something that would honor him and what he believed. Therefore, we created Crystal D Cares.
Crystal D Cares is an extension of our company's community outreach that now features a give-back program. With your purchase of awards in our Legacy Gallery, we will be donating a portion of the proceeds to various charities.
The vision of Crystal D Cares is to expand our ability to help others, just the way Chuck taught us to. He always said, "Your legacy just is, and it's based on the character you have and the amount you give." Chuck's character was one of giving. He gave with a servant heart, and Crystal D Cares is one way our Memory Makers are sharing the legacy of Chuck Dahlgren with the world.
Crystal D has been caring for our community and those around the world for over 30 years. Our Memory Makers have spent countless hours in the community, giving back to those in need. We've donated thousands of dollars of our own money to over 25 organizations. And we want to do more.
With Crystal D Cares, we are able to extend our reach outside the walls of Crystal D and further into the communities around the country and around the world. When you purchase an award from the Legacy Gallery, you are able to join our Memory Makers in turning emotions into memories™.
Giving was a core of who Chuck was. He saw Crystal D as an unconditionally giving company, and we have embraced that over the years as a strength of our company. In his own words, "The ultimate purpose of life is to give."